Comments on: Review of psychedelic research on addiction Learn About Psychedelics Fri, 31 Mar 2023 09:38:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ron MD Fri, 06 Jan 2023 18:10:44 +0000 What a concerning idea of giving addicts more drugs. Personal growth and change takes a lot of commitment and discomfort, there is not a always an easy solution for problems.

By: Magnus Wootton Tue, 15 Dec 2020 14:44:31 +0000 Definitely helps with addiction. Your ability to spell correctly is another matter.

By: Daniel Shields Mon, 29 Jul 2019 05:41:44 +0000 I cannot wait to see what mushrooms can offer in the future of medicine. I hope that this magical plant would not be abused and misused. Everything, if used properly and moderately proves to be beneficial. Thank you for sharing and spreading awareness!

By: Lux Fri, 24 May 2019 05:06:57 +0000 I’ve heard and read a lot about this and it fascinates me.
I know a lot of people who have successfully quit smoking using psychedelics. I find it very interesting.
I have a bag of them in my safe (obvi to keep safely away from anyone and any child in my household)
But I’m wondering it they would help with the withdrawals of opiates …?
Anyone know ?

I k ow they help with the aftermath of the depression that comes along with quoting any substance of course. But right now I am 3days in on my cold turkey plan to get off of Oxys. I’m also i Canada. It’s brutal right now.
I’m loosing my mind.
Normally I would use Valium to help with the withdrawals which help tremendously as anyone who has gone thru this befor already knows. But I don’t want t do that this time. There to mentally addictive.

Has anyone had any success during the withdrawal process of opiets or any other substance for that matter with micro dosing with Mushrooms during the first week of your withdrawal process ?

Please get back to me as I feel I am dyyyyyying right now.
I know I’m not actually by the feeling I think is almost worse then death itself. Anyone who has gone they any type of serious substance withdrawal will definitely know what I’m talking about lol.
I’ve micro doses befor with mushrooms and it’s just made me feel happy chilled not intoxicated once so ever so I feel it might help during the day. But not sure as far as withdrawals go and definitely don’t think it will help with the insomnia portion of these withdrawals if ya know what I mean.

Any help or guidance and information is so appreciated.
Thanks so much
Lux 🙂

By: Robert Houghton Fri, 15 Mar 2019 16:48:03 +0000 In reply to Haya.

HI Just wondering what MDING truiffles are, mentioned in your statement. Thanks.

By: Captain Beyond Tue, 02 Oct 2018 16:12:31 +0000 I wish I could get into one of these studies, I could probably kick my opiate addiction with a little couseling and psycilocyben. I am seriously considering growing my own, and then when I have a supply, getting some counseling, a sort of DIY approach. I’d have someone to turn to if I got too weird. But I live in redneck bible belt East Texas ; trying to find any help around here that would understand this idea of mine is like trying to find mushrooms in a parking lot!

By: HOW LSD CAN HELP CURE ALCOHOLISM — Академия свободного сознания Sun, 29 Jul 2018 23:18:29 +0000 […] of addiction; Salvia divinorum has anti-addictive effects in rats, psilocybin has been shown to help heavy smokers quit, and ayahuasca users are less likely to suffer from alcoholism. The field of psychedelic research […]

By: Haya Mon, 23 Jul 2018 11:32:02 +0000 In reply to Florence.

Absolutely! The Heffter Institute, based in New Mexico, have organized and continue to conduct multiple studies looking into the use of psychedelics to treat addictions (ranging from alcohol, opioids to cocaine). Here is an outline of their current research:

By: Florence Thu, 12 Jul 2018 09:32:47 +0000 There are people having success using psilocybe to treat opiate addiction. I spoke with one person who used mding truffles to get off opiates. With success! Apparently a research organisation called heffers or heffters, that is going to do research on using psilocybe for opiate addiction. I am hoping to find more info on the subject. It looks promising, especially because it is easily available compared to ibogaine. No risk of over harvesting as long as you grow it yourself ( unlike iboga) and also seems much safer compared to the risks of having heart problems or dying with iboga/ine. Even though I heard from the research org. mentioned above, that a risk of overdose after treatment were real just as for ibogaine.

By: How LSD Can Help Cure Alcoholism Fri, 23 Jun 2017 08:59:32 +0000 […] treatment of addiction; Salvia divinorum has anti-addictive effects in rats, psilocybin has been shown to help heavy smokers quit, and ayahuasca users are less likely to suffer from alcoholism. The field of psychedelic research […]
