Comments on: Protecting the Wild in Plant Medicine: Why Commodification Thwarts Collective Transformation Learn About Psychedelics Wed, 20 Dec 2023 18:23:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Barbara Mon, 06 Nov 2023 19:42:28 +0000 Thank you for this beautiful, thoughtful contemplation and the passionate, peaceful, provocative paintings. We don’t realize how much harm we cause ourselves by trying to conform to a sick society. With your visionary leadership these bridges of reciprocity and connection will be built.

By: Heather A Murata Thu, 02 Nov 2023 17:07:32 +0000 This article and the quote noted below embodies The Wellness Connection Copywriting (TWCC) philosophy regarding the #connectedness of people and planet.

Healthy People = Healthy Planet | Healthy Planet = Healthy People

The #survival of our species depends upon a #holistic approach to #health — for ourselves, the #Earth, and every species that calls Earth home.

#Science, #history, and #anthropology combine to provide the knowledge and resources needed to help humans reconnect with #nature and reestablish our role as #stewards. Embracing that role is vital to solving myriad issues plaguing our world:

* Chronic disease crisis
* Fatal disease crisis
* Mental health crisis
* Food shortage – hunger crisis
* Global warming crisis
* Pollution
* And more

Quote from article: “The depression we’re all trying to avoid could very well be a prolonged chronic reaction to what we’ve been doing to the world, a mourning and grieving for what we’re doing to nature and to cities and to whole peoples—the destruction of a lot of our world.”

#EnvironmentalAwareness #HealthAndWellness #AlternativeMedicine #EvidenceBasedMedicine #Culture #HealingJourney #Healer #Healers #Symbiosis

By: Karina Swenson Tue, 31 Oct 2023 22:16:20 +0000 In reply to Petrina.

Thank you for engaging in this conversation and contributing to a deeper understanding of these vital issues, Petrina. Let’s continue to explore and share perspectives that inspire positive change and a more harmonious relationship with the natural world. 🙏🏽

By: Petrina Tue, 31 Oct 2023 21:32:49 +0000 Beautiful thoughts and words. I share the concern about the commercialization of plant medicines for profit. Most westerners have had little exposure to the ancient understanding that ALL THINGS are Connected on this Planet. How could it be otherwise. Our science has learned much, but our dogged individualism blinds us to deeper truths. Thank you for posting this here and getting the conversation started. 🙏🏽🌎🦋
