Coach Info
About Me:Hi, I’m Felicia from Philadelphia. I am a physical therapist, certified cannabis educator, and co-owner of a majority women owned/minority wellness business, integrating Eastern and Western medicine. I have trained to become a guide, and integrator after my own healing exploration. I’ve traveled to explore at Rythmia in Costa Rica, with Colombian Taitas and on the East Coast of the US. I have worked and learned through Soundmind Institute, as well as with MAPS Podcaster, and guide, Zach Leary. I’ve been trained as a manual therapist, breathwork practitioner, yoga and meditation instructor, as well as, a level one Authentic Relating guide.
My vision is to create a sacred, safe space to discover with and without medicines. By honoring self and other, together we uncover physical, mental and emotional blocks and stories which are no longer serving.Description of Services:My work includes zoom and in person coaching, preparation, experience and integration work. I enjoy supporting all who seek greater understanding of self, relationships and how to live their most authentic version of themselves.
Credentials & Certifications: Beaver CollegePrice Range: $150-$300/hrMy Process
Intake Process:Intake includes a phone or in person consultation, intake forms, medical and psychological review, consent, forms and a conversation with treating therapist, if one is involved and open.
Overview of Protocol:Free initial 30 min call to discuss goals and intentions. Coaching sessions are 1 hr/week or two for a predetermined length of time. Experiential includes: Preparation with a discovery call, or meeting, a thorough intake and what to expect. There are usually 2 to 3 meetings, pre-journey. Experience days includes: cleansing of ceremonial space, stretching, guided breathwork/meditation, some time in nature, as well as a calm and quiet ceremony space. I take a lot of notes, have remarkable playlists and discuss all the expectations before dropping in. Light snack and gentle re-entry. Integration includes 2 to 3 sessions to review notes, explore topics, feelings and ideas which have been discovered through the experience.
Coach Info
My Process